President Richard Greenhill called the Regular Board Meeting of the Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation to order at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 11, 2007. All Directors were present, with the exception of, Linda Hasselstrom, John Millburn and Tim Rochelle. Employees Malcolm Tucker and Teena Blasingame, along with 6 members and Kathy Haenszel of AIA Insurance were also present.
Item 4: (Moved next on Agenda) – Kathy Haenszel – AIA Insurance
Kathy reviewed with the Directors their coverage on the Corporation’s policy. A copy of Certificate of Liability Insurance was given to each Director showing limits of liability, each occurrence $1,000,000.00 and $3,000,000.00 aggregate with a $1,000.00 deductible. Also, she pointed out Section III – Who is insured (d) states Officers and Directors are insured. The Board thanked Kathy saying they felt better informed and had more of an understanding of their coverage.
Item 2: Approve Minutes
Johnnie Bankston read the minutes from the August 14, 2007 Regular Board Meeting. Thomas Bills made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Jane Morgan seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 3: Directors Source and Application of Funds
Malcolm Tucker presented the Source. Jane Morgan asked about the outside construction contractor being over $7,000.00 and is still concerned about this large expense continuing every month. Thomas Bills made a motion to accept the Source as presented. Darline Jean seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 5: Jerry Shaw Requesting Buckaloo Account Reinstated and Show Him as Owner
Mr. Shaw gave back history on the land purchased by Josephine Buckaloo Acct # 1099. The Board discussed with Mr. Shaw the matter was indeed a mess, but the Acct. # 1099 had been revoked at the August 14, 2007 meeting. The Board discussed with Mr. Shaw, once the account was revoked they were unable to reinstate.
Item 6: Water Availability New Well #6, Possible Meeting With Ben Shanklin
Malcolm discussed with the Board e-mails between he, Ben Shanklin, Robert Childress and Bob Childress concerning the ground water table dropping and the possibility of the ground water disappearing in 10 to 15 years. Also, Childress Engineers stated the water industry was going to surface water. The Board felt it would be prudent to set up a meeting with Childress and asked Malcolm to make arrangements.
Item 7: Confirmation of Employment of New Manager, Malcolm Tucker
Moved to Executive Session.
Item 8: Ronald Westbury
Malcolm asked the Board, if they read the letter in reply to Mr. Westbury’s letter dated August 17, 2007. Discussion followed and Malcolm was instructed to mail the letter.
Item 9: Hiring Auditor
Johnnie Bankston made a motion to hire Evelyn Pareya to prepare the audit for the Corporation. Thomas Bills seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 10: Radios
Thomas Bills made a motion to have radios tested in our service area and if the test proves successful, to purchase 5 radios from Motorola at a cost of $6,179.00 the first year and $0.00 for the second. Also, depending on a successful radio test, the Corporation will buy out the contract on 4 phones at a cost of $700.00 and keep the 5th phone for call out and on call, with a 500 minute limit for $39.95 per month. Jane Morgan seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 11: Asbestos Finding on State Hwy 171
TCEQ will be sending a letter about the situation.
Item 12: Unlock Meters After-Hours
Discussion followed on overtime paid field employees to unlock meters and the fact we are not charging enough to recoup overtime. Jane Morgan made a motion to amend Section G-13 in the Tariff by removing the last sentence and replacing with the following: If payment has not been received in the business office before 4:30pm on cut-off day, the water will not be turned back on until the following day. If member request water back on after regular business hours, weekends or holidays the fee will be, $55.00 off/on, $45.00 after hours, $25.00 trip charge for a total of $125.00. Thomas Bills seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 13: Public Comment
Item 14: Directors and Manager Comments
Sandra Chilcutt and Thomas Bills thanked Malcolm for supplying the Directors info on their Liability Insurance Coverage. Sandra, also asked Malcolm how the Fruitland Acres project was coming along. He said, it wasn’t and he has had no complaints. Jane Morgan asked about the response on member update information. Teena Blasingame showed the Board a very large stack of returns. Malcolm stated we could now sell the Blue 1989 Dodge ¾ ton since we had purchased the truck a year ago and we could buy an ATV Mule. The Board said to ask $3995.00 for the truck, but the ATV Mule they were not in favor of purchasing.
Item 15: Membership Changes
Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to accept No New Memberships, 1 Transfer, 2 Sellbacks and No Revokes. Thomas Bills seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 16: Executive Session
The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 8:55 p.m. After re-convening at 9:45 p.m., Item 7: Confirmation of employment to Manager was addressed. Thomas Bills made a motion to promote Malcolm Tucker to a salaried managerial position, with no comp. time and a salary of $33,280.00 yearly. Darline Jean seconded. Vote was unanimous. The Board evaluated Malcolm’s performance as very good. Richard Greenhill continued by saying the Board wanted to see improvements in the following areas: 1. Field employees work 40 hours weekly in order to complete work, finish projects and address new projects. 2. Training filed employees, so we do not have dependency on outside contractors. 3. Curtail overtime in the office. 4. All increases must be approved by the Board, per manual. Also, the decision was made for Brune Pump to upgrade Woodrow Well, since supplies had been purchased. The Board told Malcolm to tell Brune we would call when we were ready to upgrade the next well and do not purchase supplies until that time.
Item 17: Adjourn
Thomas Bills made a motion to adjourn at 10:10 p.m. Jane Morgan seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Respectively Submitted,
Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation
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