Contact Time: Mon-Fri: 8 a.m to 4:30 p.m
Phone Number: 254-221-0816
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March 14, 2006

President Richard Greenhill called the regular board meeting of the Woodrow Osceola Water Supply Corporation to order at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 14, 2006. All Directors were present, with the exception of Bill Coleman. Employees Dave Tomlinson, Billie Lair and Malcolm Tucker, along with 11 members were also present.


Item 2: Ronald Westbury – Concern about Double Hook-up

Mr. Westbury discussed with the Board information he sent to each Director concerning his and Brian Hilton’s (father-in-law) water connection on the customer side. Mr. Westbury was told the issue would be moved to Executive Session and he would be notified of the Boards decision.


Item 3: Approve Minutes

Johnnie Bankston read the minutes from the February 14, 2006 regular board meeting. Darline Jean made a motion to accept the minutes as read and Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 4: Directors Source & Application of Funds

The Source & Application of Funds was discussed and a motion was made by Tim Rochelle to accept as read. George Thompson seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 5: Wells Fargo Bank Purposed Changes in Bank Drafting, Check Machine & Sweeps

Richard Greenhill stated he and Johnnie Bankston meet with Connie Clark (Senior Vice-president), Justin Richard, Shawn Dunsmore and Becky McGee at Wells Fargo. They discussed a check machine at a cost of $850.00 to process checks at the Corporation Office which would cut down on trips to the bank. Also, the Sweeps program was discussed and the way the program works is a specific balance will be maintained in the Corporation checking account and the money will sweep out at night and returns by morning, yielding a higher interest. The checking account will maintain enough money to cover expenses at all time. Malcolm Tucker told the Board he has the Corporation Draft program ready to go, but Wells Fargo needed four to six weeks to accomplish their part. Tim Rochelle made a motion to purchase the check machine and to implement a Sweeps account. Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 6: Upgrading Trailer for Hauling Equipment

Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to make repairs to the 24’ trailer at an approximate amount of $2800. Linda Hasselstrom seconded and vote was unanimous. Dave Tomlinson said he needed to make a few repairs on the 36 ft trailer before a sale or trade could be discussed.


Item 7: Company Vehicle Problems

Dave Tomlinson said the 1996 Ranger passed inspection, the ¾ Ton Dodge transmission has the Park Gear out and the One Ton Ford needs to have repairs. He showed the Board a picture of the 1987 Dodge ¾ Ton with OD reading of 32,000 miles. The truck has a full length pipe rack, work lights, no dents, and gasoline powered with automatic. The truck could be purchased from the Government Surplus for $3,500. George Thompson made a motion to purchase the truck for $3,500. Johnnie Bankston seconded and vote was unanimous.


Item 8: Meter Reading

Doug Allison resigned but said he would drive and train a replacement. Dave said he hired a new field employee with routing experience and he will begin April 1st.


Item 9: Update on Fruitland Acres

Dave informed the Board all the leaks have been repaired and the field operators should be starting on the project Monday, March 20, 2006.


Item 10: Selling Water Parts to Members

The board was informed if we sold water parts retail we could loose our Tax-free exemption. Sandra Chilcutt made a motion not to sell retail water parts. Darline Jean seconded and vote was unanimous.


Item 11: Notary Liability Class

Tim Rochelle made a motion to send Billie Lair to the Notary Liability Class in Temple, March 21, 2006 at a cost of $120.00. Also, to purchase insurance at a limit of $25,000 for four (4) years at a cost of $51.00. Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 12: Public Comment:

Frank Burt recommended taking the 1-Ton Ford to Campbell’s Automotive for repairs.


Item 13: Directors and Manager Comments

George Thompson commented he was glad to see two (2) of the volunteer candidates. Dave Tomlinson informed the Board the Fiber Optic Damage claim of $5,522.80 had been waived. Cintas presented a buy-out of $1,247.97 with a remainder of 125 weeks. Johnnie said she would place the item on the April Agenda, along with Law of Easements Seminar May 24th, in Fort Worth. Also, C&R Construction was sent a letter stating we needed to be paid the $5,259.70 by April 1st, for the damage to our lines on FM 2719. They were told if we do not receive payment additional charges will be added and turned over to collections. Richard Greenhill said all information has been finalized for USDA on Well #6 and submitted.


Item 14: Membership Changes

Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to accept two (2) new memberships. Jane Morgan seconded and voted was unanimous.


Item 15: Executive Session

The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 8:00 p.m. After reconvening at 8:30 p.m., Jane Morgan made a motion Ronald Westbury be given a two (2) year time limit to lay a separate line to his meter on the customer side. The two meters on one line constitutes Brian Hilton re-selling water which is a direct violation and the Corporation could be fined by TCEQ. Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous. Dave will write a letter explaining to Mr. Westbury he will need to bring his meter up to State code and ask for a signature. He said he would deliver the letter and explain to Mr. Westbury this will also be for the benefit of the Hilton’s.


Item 16: Adjourn

The Board adjurned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectively Submitted,
Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation


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