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June 9, 2009

President Richard Greenhill called the Regular Board Meeting of the Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation to order at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday June 9, 2009. All Directors were present with the exception of Tim Rochelle. Employee Malcolm Tucker was also present.

Item 2: Approve Minutes

Johnnie Bankston read the minutes from the May 12, 2009 Regular Board Meeting. Linda Hasselstrom made a motion to accept the minutes as read. James Flannery seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Item 3: Directors Source and Application of Funds

Malcolm Tucker presented the Source and Application of Funds. Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to accept the Source and Application of Funds as presented. Thomas Bills seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Item 4: Employee Pay Raises

Moved to Executive Session.

Item 5: Generator

Malcolm Tucker told the Board Mike Angelo from TCEQ informed the Corporation the generator for Jawbone Well must be in place and operating, no later than Friday, June 12, 2009. Mr. Angelo stated the generator was necessary, due to the well supplying 428 people. Malcolm stated the project would be finished and a picture and invoices sent to TCEQ no later than Friday.

Item 6: Public Comment


Item 7: Membership Changes

Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to accept no new memberships, 1 transfer, no sellbacks and no revokes. Thomas Bills seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Item 8: Directors and Manager Comments


Item 9: Executive Session

The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 7:20 p.m. Upon reconvening at 8:30 p.m. Linda Hasselstrom made a motion to raise James Skains hourly wage by $1.00, due to receiving his Class C License and no raises would be given to the remaining employees. James Flannery seconded. Vote was unanimous. The Board explained to Malcolm that all the employees received a $.55 an hour raise due to medical insurance and they were very concerned about the finances, the economy and Well #6. Also, the Corporation needs to have a balanced budget and that has not been achieved in several years. They continued by saying this would not be forever, but it was one of those hard decisions that had to be made for the good of the Corporation. Malcolm said he understood that times were hard and we would just keep going.

Item 10: Adjourn

Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. James Flannery seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Respectively Submitted,

Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation

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