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June 12, 2018

JUNE 12, 2018


Item 1: Call Meeting To Order
President Bills called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30 P.M., June 12, 2018. All Directors were present with the exception of John Milburn. Malcolm Tucker attended the meeting as General Manager for the last time before retiring June 14, 2018. Thank you for your years of service and enjoy your retirement years. Also Teena Worbington, Tyler Young, Rodney Votaw and l member were present.

Item2: Approve minutes
Johnnie Bankston read the minutes from the May 8, 2018 Regular Board Meeting. Linda Hasselstrom made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Gary Reynolds seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Item 3: Directors Source and Application of Funds
Teena Worbington presented the Source and Application of Funds. After discussion, Linda Hasselstrom made a motion to accept the Source and Application of Funds. Garry Reynolds seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Item 4: Membership Changes
Charles Jones made a motion to accept New Membership-1, Transfers-4, Sellbacks-None and Revokes-None. Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Item 5: Land Purchase-Osceola Well
The survey for the Osceola Well site revealed the Corporation owned about ½ acre, but it had not all been fenced all these years and we were unaware it had not been fenced until the survey was completed. Therefore, the purchase of additional acreage from Mr. Mayfield will not be necessary and a new fence will be built to encompass the ½ acre well site. A letter will be sent to Mr. Mayfield rescinding the offer to purchase .46 acre, explaining what our survey uncovered and we were very sorry for any inconvenience.

Item 6: General Manager/Job Description

Item 7: Update on Integrated Pipeline Proposal
President Bills asked, Ray Mershawn to address info from the meeting several months ago. He stated, we could be limited on how much water we would be allowed to pump and it didn’t look good. Prairie Ground Water is looking at taking the highest peak water usage over the last 5 years, plus adding 30%. If the usage is implemented, we will not be able to use our wells to full capacity. Discussion followed about finding out more info and the Board asked Rodney to contact Prairie Ground Water and TRWA to ask, if they could attend our next Board Meeting.

Item 8: Public Comment
Frank Burt stated, if you went on Google you will find India and Israel have much worse water problems than most. Also, he stated the Board spent time talking about unrelated subjects not pertaining to the agenda and took 7 minutes talking about snakes.


Item 9: Directors and Manager Comments
Ray Mershawn asked, what was happening on 1306? Rodney said, it was for 3 new connects. Rodney stated, the motor in the Freeman Well was being replaced and a camera will be sent down to inspect the casing, screens, etc for any replacement and should be back up by Friday.

Item 10: Executive Session

Item 11: Adjourn
Nelda Burt made a motion to adjourn at 7:50 P.M. Ray Mershawn seconded. Vote was unanimous.




Respectfully Submitted,


Johnnie Bankston