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June 11, 2013

Vice President, Ray Mershawn called the Regular Board Meeting of the Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation to order, at 6:30 P M., June 11, 2013. All Directors were present with the exception of Thomas Bills, Linda Hasselstrom, Charles Jones and John Milburn. Also, Malcolm Tucker and one visitor was present.


Item 5: Terry Hafer Reinstate revoked membership

Mrs. Hafer was moved next on the agenda and she was asking to get her revoked meter back. The Board said, unfortunately the meter was revoked in February 2012, and was shown the certified letter she signed for in January 2012. No action was taken to reinstate the membership. She was told we had a payout plan, if it would help purchase a new meter.


Item 2: Approve Minutes

Johnnie Bankston read the minutes from the May14, 2013 Regular Board Meeting. Tim Rochelle made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 3: Directors Source and Application of Funds

Malcolm Tucker presented the Source and Application of Funds. Johnnie Bankston asked about 6318-Safety Supplies for $509.99. Malcolm said it was Eric Haffner’s hospital bill from the Corporation’s vehicle accident. Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to accept the Source and Application of Funds as presented. Tim Rochelle seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 4: Well #7

Malcolm stated, the Well was put on line June 06, 2013 and is pumping 234 to 244 gallons. Freeman Well went down several days ago, (guess it needed some TLC after all the years of carrying a load). The well will have the camera sent down to check the casing, the new motor will be installed, and a VFD drive installed and put back on line. In the fall, the remaining work will be completed, when the demand is not as great on the system.


Item 6: Replace F150 Truck

Jane Morgan made a motion to replace the 2007 F150 with a 2013 V6 F150 for $16,000.00. Tim Rochelle seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 7: Membership Changes

Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to accept 4-New Membership, 5-Transfers, No Sellbacks and 5-Revokes-Hector Estrada #1006 was removed from the revoke list, due to reconciling the bill, but the remaining 4-Logan & Jenna Shaffer #1329, Stephen & Heather Hall #1194, Jeff McFatridge #772 and Courtney Darrell Clark #1209 were revoked. Jane Morgan seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 8: Public Comment



Item 9: Directors and Manager Comments

Jane Morgan said the water loss was lower and it looked good. Malcolm said, it was time for the CCR letters and a notation will be placed on the water bills that members can view the CCR letters in the office. Also, the CCR letter may be viewed on line. Johnnie Bankston stated, the employee driving the 2007 F150, June 10, 2013 was driving entirely too fast and she thought there must be a big problem. She continued by saying, we pay a lot of money for vehicles and on repairs and they need to be mindful of it. Also, at the May meeting the President was going to discuss that employees do not need to talk or text on their personal phones or any phone while in the Corporation vehicles. Ray Mershawn showed the Board an article concerning a tour and discussion on Rainwater Harvesting. The event will take place at Majestic Farms, owned and operated by, he and his wife, Ann on June 29, 2013. Dr. Dotty Wodson, extension horticulture specialist, will discuss Rainwater Harvesting.


Item 10: Executive Session



Item 11: Adjourn

Tim Rochelle made a motion to adjourn at 7:50 P.M. Jane Morgan seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Respectively Submitted,
Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation


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