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January 10, 2012

President Richard Greenhill called the Regular Board Meeting of the Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation to order at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 10, 2012. All Directors were present with the exception of John Milburn and Charles Jones. Malcolm Tucker was also present.


Item4: Internet Service on New Well Tower

Item 4 was moved next on the agenda. Mr. Smith representing PC Doctors of Grandview, stated they were interested in placing antennas on both elevated towers. He said, the Corporation would receive a service free and Malcolm would be the first connection for an opinion of the service. Ray Mershawn made a motion to allow PC Doctors to place the antennas on both towers, with a mutual agreement between both parties and after 6 months the decision would be re-elevated service fee, the quality and reverse stream. Also, the Corporation would have free service. Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 2: Approve Minutes

Johnnie Bankston read the minutes from the December 13. 2011 Regular Board Meeting. Thomas Bills made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 3: Directors Source and Application of Funds

Malcolm Tucker presented the Source and Application of Funds. Thomas Bills made a motion to accept the Source and Application of Funds as presented. Linda Hasselstom seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 5: Well #7

Malcolm stated, we were moving along on the items needed by the Corporation for the loan for Well #7. No activity had taken place for several months from CNB on loan process. Johnnie Bankston had spoken with Tony Marley and they are on track once again. She also, spoke with Tony about moving the Corporation monies to CNB and a number of fees were mentioned. Johnnie said, we would not look favorably to any fees and he stated there should be no fees. Malcolm said, he was meeting with Tony on the specifics for accounts needed.


Item 6: TCEQ Drought Contingency

No further action taken.


Item 7: Membership Changes

Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to accept 2 New Membership, 2 Transfers, 1 Sellbacks and No Revokes. Jane Morgan seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 8: Public Comment



Item 9: Directors and Manager Comments

Sandra Chilcutt asked about net changes in membership of a -200. Malcolm said, it was basically floats and meters not in use. Johnnie Bankston asked the Board, if we wanted a dinner and door prizes at the annual meeting and the consensus was, yes. The Board discussed the voting procedures in more detail.


Item 10: Executive Session



Item 11: Adjourn

Jane Morgan made a motion to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Respectively Submitted,
Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation


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