President Richard Greenhill called the Regular Board Meeting of the Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation to order at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 13, 2007. All Directors were present, with the exception of Bill Coleman and Sandra Chilcutt. Employees Dave Tomlinson, Billie Lair, Malcolm Tucker and 7 members were also present.
Item 2: Members Requesting Waiving Large Bill Due to Leak on Customer Side
Kenneth Staab addressed the Board saying he was not asking to have his large bill waived, but thought an adjustment might be possible. Richard Greenhill stated, the Corporation could not wholesale water and the rule that once the water runs through the meter, it is the responsibility of the customer, must be applied. Mr. Staab said, he completely understood. Johnnie Bankston stated, we had a payment plan for customers with large bills and that could certainly be offered. The Board thanked Mr. and Mrs. Staab for their courtesy.
Item 3: Approve Minutes
Johnnie Bankston read the minutes from the January 9, 2007 Regular Board Meeting. Linda Hasselstrom made a motion to accept, with one correction to the mis-spelling of personnel. Tim Rochelle seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 4: Directors Source and Application of Funds
Dave Tomlinson presented the Source and pointed out the Correction to Acct #4050 being shown correctly on the September through December 2006 Statement. Tim Rochelle made a motion to accept as read. Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 5: Audit Amendment to December 2006 Source
David Tomlinson stated to the Board, Auditor-Evelyn Pareya sent a letter for verification on the correction to the Acct #4050 entry on the December 2006 Source. He continued by saying a copy of the letter was in the Directors packets.
Item 6: Ray Garza – Low Pressure
Dave stated, he had checked with the City of Hillsboro and the Garza’s are in the city limits, but have no paperwork on them. The Board and the manager discussed options such as, a small booster pump to be purchased by the Garza’s, a large booster pump to be placed on the 4” line and the area not being in our CCN territory. The Board stated more options would be investigated by the Manager.
Item 7: Late Fee Issue – Melinda Routh
The Board stated Section E-15 of the Corporation Tariff, stating a bill is delinquent if not paid on or before the past due date is applicable.
Item 8: Public Comment
Mr. George Staples- Attorney stated he is a member of the Corporation and was just offering his services. He said he represents several cities and he would not charge the Corporation for advice given over the phone or email.
Item 9: Directors and Manager Comments
Dave Tomlinson told the Board the small generator was returned and the large generator was at Cummins Diesel waiting for parts. He also, presented a bid from J.T. Williams Construction for the Fruitland Acres Project. Also, Dave stated a letter needs to be mailed to members asking to supply the Corporation with a physical address for the member’s meter, if it is different from the mailing address. In addition, a notification as needed, that the member shall provide access to the meter as per easement and service agreement and the penalty for limiting access. He also, asked the Board to considered a person to work in the office 3 days a week.
Item 10: Membership Changes
Tim Rochelle made a motion to except 2 New Memberships, 3 Transfers, 1 Revoke – B.S. Stewart (Certified letter sent November 27, 2006 – returned undelivered February 12, 2007, after 3 attempts to deliver.) Jane Morgan seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 11: Executive Session
The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 8:00 p.m. The Board asked Dave Tomlinson to join them and he was advised that the employees would need to work 40 hours before receiving any overtime, sick leave can only be used as “Sick Leave” and not to be used to make-up hours. An employee must work the day before and after holiday to be paid, lunch breaks will not be used to make up hours or pay and cleanliness and appearance of building.
Item 12: Adjourn
The Board adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectively Submitted,
Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation
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