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December 8, 2020



December 8, 2020


Item 1: Call Meeting To Order

President Charles Jones called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30 P.M., December 8, 2020. All Directors were present with the exception of Johnnie Bankston and Pam Fletcher. Also Manager Rodney Votaw, Teena Worbington and one member were present.

 Item 2: Approve Minutes

Teena Worbington read the minutes from the November 10, 2020 Regular Board Meeting. Linda Hasselstrom made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Vince Elder seconded. Vote was unanimous.

 Item 3: Directors Source and Application of Funds

Teena Worbington presented the Source and Application of Funds for November 2020. After discussion John Milburn made a motion to accept the Source and Application of Funds as presented. Keith Bills seconded. Vote was unanimous.

 Item 4: Membership Changes

Linda Hasselstrom made a motion to accept New Memberships-1, Transfers-6, Sellbacks-None and Revokes-None. Keith Bills seconded. Vote was unanimous.

 Item 5: Public Comment


 Item 6: Directors and Manager Comments

Sandra Chilcutt apologized for being late.  Keith Bills asked about water loss, stating it had come down and was better than 50%. Rodney Votaw asked if the Board would give the employees a turkey or ham again this year for Christmas.

 Item 7: Executive Session


 Item 8:  Adjourn

John Milburn made a motion to adjourn at 7:10 P.M. Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.

 Respectfully Submitted, for Johnnie Bankston by Teena Worbington


Johnnie Bankston      
