President Richard Greenhill called the Regular Board Meeting of the Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation to order at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, August 14, 2007. All Directors were present, with the exception of John Millburn, Jane Morgan, Tim Rochelle and Linda Hasselstrom. Employees Malcolm Tucker and Teena Blasingame, along with 4 members were also present.
Item 2: Approve Minutes
Johnnie Bankston read the minutes from the July 10, 2007 Regular Board Meeting. Thomas Bills made a motion to accept the minutes as read Sandra Chilcutt seconded vote was unanimous.
Item 3: Directors Source and Application of Funds
Malcolm Tucker presented the Source. After discussion, Thomas Bills made a motion to accept the Source as presented. Darline Jean seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 4: Shelley Green from Municipal Development Services
Shelley Green spoke to the Board on the possibility of a $250,000 Community Development Grant. She discussed the procedure of obtaining the grant, but stated HUD will be making changes and it would be May 2008 or later before funds would be available, if we secured a grant. Also, she stated she would only receive payment if a grant was secured and her fee would be no more than 10%. Johnnie Bankston made a motion to hire Shelley Green to work toward securing a $250,000 Community Development Grant. Thomas Bills seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 5: Replacing Multiple Cell Phones with Radios
Malcolm Tucker stated to the Board the cell phones used by field employees had been discussed many times and the Board had always been unhappy with the high cost and replacement of phones being dropped in the water. He obtained a quote from Motorola for 5 radios at a cost of $6,179.00 for the first year and $0.00 for the second year. The overall savings for the phone system for the Corporation would be $3,925.00 per year. A discussion followed on the buy out contract on the cell phones, which Malcolm was unsure and stated he would check. Also, he was asked the range of the radios and the Board was told a 35 mile range for truck radios and 5 miles on hand held. Malcolm stated the radios will be tested in our system area before a change would be made and replacement insurance on radios will be obtained. Sandra Chilcutt asked that the item be discussed in Executive Session.
Item 6: Sick Leave and Vacation for Employees
Malcolm supplied documentation on vacation and sick leave stating no law in Texas required employers to provide paid vacation or sick leave under 50 employees. Discussion followed on the appropriate usage of vacation and sick leave. The Board stated we have specific rules in place and they just need to be followed. Malcolm stated he felt it was his responsibility to make sure the rules are implemented as set out in the personnel policy. The Board stated improper use of sick leave results in no leave time when needed and instructed Malcolm to take discretion on sick leave.
Item 7: 911 Letter Request – Gift Approval
Malcolm stated letters to members were being mailed to update much needed info on addresses (mailing and physical), current phone number, if owner deceased, name change required and phone number change for the Corporation. Discussion followed on offering free minimum monthly water bills for the completion and return of the updated information form. Thomas Bills made a motion for a drawing of 5 free minimum monthly water bills for the completion and return of the updated information form. Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 8: Robert Reyna “C” Licenses
The Board was informed Robert Reyna passed his Class C test and will be receiving his licenses. Malcolm stated along with passing the test and receiving his licenses his hourly wage will be increased to $16.00 per hour. He also stated that we now have the two class “C” licenses operators we are required to have by TCEQ.
Item 9: Mark Brunner 90 Day Probation
Malcolm stated Mark had resigned so no need to discuss probation completed. Also, he has hired a replacement.
Item 10: Budget – September 2007 – August 2008
Johnnie Bankston stated again, the Budget Committee still felt the water sales could not be achieved. Also, Sandra Chilcutt and Thomas Bills agreed. The employee’s salaries and outside contractors were also discussed. Malcolm stated he would know in three months if the budget will work. Thomas Bills make a motion to accept the 2007-2008 Budget as presented, but the Board will revisit the Budget in six months for a possible revision (February), if required. Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 11: Public Comment
Item 12: Directors and Manager Comments
Sandra Chilcutt stated that in the July meeting John Milburn had asked for Errors and Emissions for Board of Directors and it seems we have not received them. Also, she stated her meter box was damaged in June and felt the meter tech would change out the box and really feels her meter may not have been being read. Malcolm informed the Board that Brune Pump completed Freeman well and it was successful and now pushing 250 GPM’s. He stated Brune could start on Woodrow Well next week. Also, filing easements has been increased to $16.00 and our Tariff stated the Corporation has the ability to re-coup any expenses incurred necessary to attempt to secure right-of-way. We will now be passing the expense to the Applicant. Malcolm continued by saying the 6” pipe needing replacement on FM 1414 would cost $33, 260.00 for 9,125 ft. Johnnie Bankston said she wanted to discuss with the Board about continuing with the well upgrades. She stated we voted to do the wells around 3 months apart and we were going to make payment from the general fund. We made a $64,000.00 transfer from our savings and we have $300,000.00 committed to Well #6 and this had been the first month we had made money in months. Malcolm stated we need to continue, but he would call Brune and tell him we were not ready to start Woodrow, if that was the decision. Johnnie stated why don’t we wait until the next meeting to see if we had another good month and the other Directors agreed.
Item 13: Membership Changes
Thomas Bills made a motion to accept 2 new memberships, 6 transfers, no sellbacks and 1 revoke – Josephine Buckaloo Acct # 1099. Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 14: Executive Session
The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 9:00 p.m. After re-convening at 9:20 p.m. Richard Greenhill told Malcolm we would table item #5 until the September meeting in order to obtain the buyout cost of cell phones, length of contract and the cost of license fee for radios.
Item 15: Adjourn
Thomas Bills made a motion to adjourn at 9:30 p.m. Darline Jean seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Respectively Submitted,
Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation
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