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August 11, 2020



AUGUST 11, 2020


 ITEM 1: Call Meeting To Order

President Charles Jones called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30 P.M., August 11, 2020. The Regular Board Meeting for July 14, 2020 was canceled due to Covid-19 and the business from that meeting will be handled in the August meeting. All Directors were present with the exception of Dottie Sulak and Keith Bills. Also, Manager Rodney Votaw and Teena Worbington were present.


ITEM 2: Approve Minutes

Johnnie Bankston read the minutes from the June 09, 2020 Regular Board Meeting. Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.

ITEM 3: Directors Source and Application of Funds

The Board reviewed the Source and Application of Funds for the month of June 2020. After discussion Pam Fletcher made a motion to accept the Source and Application of Funds for June 2020 Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous. Teena Worbington presented the Source and Application of   Funds for the month of July 2020. Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to accept the Source and Application of Funds as presented for the month of July 2020. John Milburn seconded. Vote was unanimous.


ITEM 4: Hiring Auditor Evelyn Pareya for 2019-2020

Linda Hasselstrom made a motion to hire Evelyn Pareya to prepare the 2019-2020 audit. Pam Fletcher seconded. Vote was unanimous.


ITEM 5: Review 2020-2021 Budget

Rodney discussed the 2020-2021 budget with the Board stating most items were increased 3%, money was designated to pull Well #6, employee raises and the purchase of new vehicle were some items discussed. Linda Hasselstrom made a motion to accept the 2020-2021 budget. Pam Fletcher seconded. Vote was unanimous.


ITEM 6: Purchase New Truck

Rodney discussed with the Board the need for an additional truck and stated he had gotten 3 bids, with the cheapest being a Chevy 2500 HD 3/4T for $48,000.00 and it was the only one available. After discussion John Milburn made the motion to purchase the Chevy 2500 HD 3/4 T for $48,000.00.  Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.


ITEM 7: Employee Pay Raises

After discussion with Rodney about how well the employees work together to accomplish all the operations needed for the Corporation a motion was made by Sandra Chilcutt for a $1.00 per hour raise for each employee, effective August14, 2020. John Milburn seconded. Vote was unanimous.


ITEM 8: Membership Changes

Linda Hasselstrom made a motion for the month of June to accept New Memberships-2, Transfers-7, Sellbacks-1 and Revokes-1-Charles Gard #86. John Milburn seconded. Vote was unanimous. John Milburn made a motion for the month of July to accept New Memberships-10, Transfers-4, Sellbacks-None and Revokes-None. Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.

ITEM 9: Public Comment



ITEM 10: Directors and Manager Comments

Sandra Chilcutt asked what was going on with the mail because she didn’t receive her bill again. Rodney said, we have had some more bills not getting to customers. She also asked about the possible drought. Rodney stated, he thought we would be alright with the leaks being found and repaired. He also said, he was making up a pamphlet with water saving tips to hand out to customers.


ITEM 11: Executive Session



ITEM 12: Adjourn

Pam Fletcher made a motion to adjourn at 7:40 P.M. John Milburn seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Respectfully Submitted,




Johnnie Bankston
