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April 7, 2018 Annual Meeting



APRIL 7, 2018

 The Annual Membership Meeting of the Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation was called to order at 6:30 P.M., April 7, 2018 by President Thomas Bills. The meeting was held at the Woodbury Community Center in Woodbury, Texas. All Directors were present with the exception of Charles Jones and John Milburn.

President Bills established a quorum with approximately 50 members in attendance. Secretary/Treasurer, Johnnie Bankston read the minutes from the April 1, 2017 Annual Membership Meeting. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Sue McCoy and seconded by Erin Smith. Vote was unanimous.

President Bills read the Resolution for unopposed candidates, stating three positions held by Johnnie Bankston, John Milburn and Nelda Burt expire April 7, 2018. The positions ran unopposed and the Board of Directors by resolution appointed the above mentioned candidates for three year terms (2018-2021). The Resolution was recorded at the April 7, 2018 Annual Membership Meeting.

Manager, Malcolm Tucker presented the yearly Financial and Activity reports. The financial report presented showed we had a good year with a net income over $53,000.00, but we are still encountering large expenditures. Activity on the system required the continual replacement of bad pipe, project to replace line on FM 309 has been done in bad areas, but the line is not complete and continues, line extensions on 1414 and two on FM 933 for two large companies, one of which is Dyna-Energetics that will employee as many as 100 employees and St. Peters Metal, Well 7’s pump was replaced, due to sand. Also, the security cameras at all well sites, plus the Corporation’s facilities were upgraded with a buzz in system to enter the front door of the office, due to security issues the country continues to encounter. We continue the day to day operations for the water system and appreciate the support of the membership for the interruptions when they occur.

President Bills announced Manager, Malcolm Tucker will be retiring after 15 years with the Corporation effective his 70th birthday, June 13, 2018. He will be missed, but we realize he is ready to move on to his retirement years and we wish him the very best. We hope to still see him at the Annual Meetings, but now he could qualify to win a door prize.

No public comment was made from the floor.

During Directors comments-Linda Hasselstrom thanked Malcolm for all his hard work over the years, stating he will be missed and praised the field employees for all their hard work. Nelda Burt said, amen to Linda’s comments and asked the membership to attend the Regular Board Meetings, but not all at one time. Garry Reynolds stated, he was still the newest Board member, but had learned how important it is to turn on the faucet and water comes out. He said, he had become more attuned to what the field crew encounters in all types of weather, at all hours of the day, night and weekends. They are crucial to the operation. Ray Mershawn wanted to thank the great employees in the office. He stated, he, Tom Bills and Rodney Votaw attended a meeting for Prairie Ground Water stating the regulation and the fight for water in the coming years will be crucial. The Corporation is well positioned to fight for the water we will need and we will be prepared. Sandra Chilcutt thanked the membership for attending and wanted to thank Malcolm for his service, saying he had been easy to work with and thanked the field crew for taking care of all of our needs in the field. Johnnie Bankston stated, she echoed the thoughts  of her fellow Board members and appreciated all the hard day to day work all the employees in the office and field achieve. We are very proud of all our employees Thomas Bills stated, he also echoed the rest of the Boards comments. He pointed out on the security issues, Sheriff Ronnie Watson and his chief Deputy attended a Regular Board Meeting and was very impressed with the camera set-up at all well sites, as well as the Corporation’s facilities, stating we were ahead on security issues. He made several recommendations that were implemented. Also, he stated the Corporation’s building could be set-up as a command center in an emergency situation with the generator back up system.

President Bills said, it was time to adjourn and after a motion we would have a prayer before we ate by Malcolm Tucker. Mr. Cargile made a motion to adjourn at 7:15P.M. Glenn McGee seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,



Johnnie Bankston
