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April 7, 2012

The Annual Membership Meeting of the Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation was called to order at 6:30 p.m., April 07, 2012 by Vice President, Thomas Bills, due to President Richard Greenhill’s health issues. The meeting was held at the Woodbury Community Center in Woodbury, Texas with approximately 54 members in attendance. All Directors were present with the exception of Richard Greenhill and John Milburn.


Vice President, Thomas Bills stated with 81 mailed-in ballots received and 54 members in attendance we have a quorum.


Secretary/Treasurer, Johnnie Bankston, read the minutes from the 2011 Annual Meeting. Frank Burt made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Sue McCoy seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Vice President, Thomas Bills asked Johnnie Bankston to explain the voting procedures. She stated the State had past a new law on voting procedures and the long time proxy-ballot card was no longer used. We will be using a colored mail-out ballot with the instructions and a return envelope, with a member signature line. The voting ballot the evening of the meeting will be a different color to insure only one vote per membership. Once your ballot is cast by mail or in person, it cannot be changed. Johnnie stated she was pleasantly surprised the new procedure worked very well for the first year.


Vice President, Thomas Bills stated, we had four positions to fill on the Board of Directors and the candidates were running unopposed. He stated, he would entertain a motion to elect the candidates by acclamation, if a member would like to do so. Sue McCoy made a motion to elect by acclamation, Johnnie Bankston, Jane Morgan, and John Milburn for three-year terms and Charles Jones for a two year term on the Board of Directors. Glen Magee seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Manager, Malcolm Tucker gave the financial report for the prior year and stated we received a favorable audit report for the year 2010-2011 from an outside auditor.


Malcolm continued by giving an activity report for the past year. He said, the most important accomplishment for the past year was the completion of Well #6 and putting it on line. The well has put the system in good shape for the summer. In addition, the Corporation purchased 1 acre of land for the new Woodrow Well, which hopefully will be completed before the next Annual Meeting. We completed a line extension on HCR4209, completed main line road crossing at HCR1439 and HCR1414, painted Freeman Tower, continued upgrading water meters to radio read and started upgrade on HCR2719. The Scada system proved its importance by controlling the system through the drought, because the system was never without water.


During Public comment J. T. Goldsmith asked, if anything was being done, due to the court ruling, that the water beneath your property belongs to the landowner. Malcolm said TRWA was already working on several aspects of the ruling. Frank Burt asked, if we would need another rate increase this year and was told not unless there was a major problem.


Thomas Bills asked for Directors and Manager Comments: Sandra Chilcutt thanked the members for attending and urged members to attend regular meetings and to give their in-put. Jane Morgan urged people to run for the Board. Charles Jones encouraged members to attend regular meetings. Ray Mershawn impressed on the members the importance of water and the high usage for the gas wells and larger areas such as Tarrant County. Also, a member asked about the security cameras and Ray stated they were to protect the Corporation areas and they will be extended to each well site in the future and they are our watchful eyes at all times. Johnnie Bankston thanked the members in attendance, stated the importance of Well #6 and said we do have such a good system and we hate the rate increases, but they are necessary at times. She gave a big “Thank You” to Nelda Burt for being the Corporation’s Election Auditor and stated she did a wonderful job. In addition, she brought the membership up-to-date on Richard Greenhill’s health issues, stating he was doing great. Linda Hasselstrom thanked the members for their cooperation. Thomas Bills thanked the members for their conservation efforts, thanked the Board of Directors, and thanked the employees for all their hard work during the drought situation. Malcolm stated, the Board of Directors had worked hard to make decisions to improve the system and we really do have a good little system.


Vice President, Thomas Bills stated we had concluded our business and asked for a motion to adjourn. Glen Magee made the motion to adjourn at 7:15 p.m. Vickie Milton seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Respectively Submitted,
Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation


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