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April 7, 2007

The Annual Membership Meeting of the Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation was called to order at 6:30 p.m., on April 7, 2007 by President Richard Greenhill. The meeting was held at the Woodbury Community Center in Woodbury, Texas. Approximately 35 members were in attendance. The attendance was low due to inclement weather, in the form of snow, “yes, “Snow”, in the month of April. All Directors were present with the exception of Bill Coleman and John Milburn.

President, Richard Greenhill asked Secretary/Treasurer, Johnnie Bankston for a quorum. The Secretary stated, counting the proxies received by mail and the members present, we have a quorum.

The minutes from the 2006 Annual Meeting were read by Secretary-Treasurer, Johnnie Bankston. J.T. Goldsmith made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Glen Magee seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Johnnie Bankston explained the voting procedure to the members. Richard Greenhill appointed J.T. Goldsmith and Glen Magee to the Tellers Committee to assist Chairperson, Johnnie Bankston.

Jane Morgan gave the Nominating Committee report stating there were three positions to fill and the Board of Directors nominated the following three candidates: Richard Greenhill, Linda Hasselstrom and Darline Jean. Jane stated the above named candidates were very experienced in handling Corporations affairs and was very pleased they would continue to volunteer their time.

Richard Greenhill instructed the members to cast their votes and the votes were collected by the Tellers Committee.

Malcolm Tucker presented the past year’s Financial Report and discussed the Activity Report from the past year and some of the activities for the present year.

The Teller Committee returned to the meeting and Johnnie Bankston reported the following voting results: Richard Greenhill 128, Linda Hasselstrom 121 and Darline Jean 118. Mr. Greenhill stated Linda Hasselstrom, Darline Jean and himself were elected to serve a three year term.

Richard Greenhill asked for Public comment. Richard said, he wanted to express special recognition to Glen Magee for being one of several that organized and started the water system – 40 years ago. Billy Napps expressed concerns about the Gas Companies pumping contaminated and salty water back into the ground and the possibility of the procedure contaminating our water system. Mr. Napps was told the Board had a similar discussion on the same issue. Malcolm Tucker stated he had a close friend that has knowledge on the issue and there is minimal chance the water supply would be contaminated. J.T. Goldsmith asked how the New Well #6 was progressing. Johnnie Bankston stated USDA contacted her on April 6, 2007 and was told the application for funding had been approved. She continued by stating a meeting had been setup for April 20, 2007, to be attended by Richard Greenhill, herself, Martha McGregar-Attorney, Ben Shacklin-Engineer and Malcolm Tucker and we are getting very close to placing the project out on bids.

During Directors and Manager’s comments Linda Hasselstrom said it had been a pleasure to serve and appreciated members support. She felt we had an excellent group of Directors and the employees were doing a great job and especially appreciated Malcolm Tucker for stepping forward to run the day to day business for the Corporation. Sandra Chilcutt felt she had a wonderful group of Directors to work with and Malcolm had been doing an exceptional job. Tim Rochelle said his main objective was to keep the water flowing. Jane Morgan said she agreed with the comments made by the other Directors. She wanted to again thank Richard Greenhill and Johnnie Bankston for the many hours they give for the benefit of the Corporation. Darline Jean agreed. Johnnie Bankston stated she agreed with fellow Directors, but had little else to say, since she would only have to record it for the minutes. Richard Greenhill stated he was looking forward to the New Well #6, because this has been a project since the year 2000. Malcolm Tucker said he was grateful to work for the Corporation and the opportunity the Board of Directors has given him. He stated we have very experienced people on this Board and they are very diligent in representing the members and he looked forward to working with them in the future.

Kenneth Bankston made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 PM. Carolyn Goldsmith seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Respectively Submitted,

Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation


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