The Annual Membership Meeting of the Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation was called to order at 6:30 p.m., April 06, 2013 by Vice President, Thomas Bills. The meeting was held at the Woodbury Community Center in Woodbury, Texas. All Directors were present with the exception of John Milburn and Charles Jones.
Vice President, Thomas Bills asked Credential Committee-Chairperson, Johnnie Bankston to establish a quorum. Johnnie stated with 76 mail-in ballots received and 52 members in attendance we have a quorum and we could proceed.
Secretary/Treasurer, Johnnie Bankston, read the minutes from the 2012 Annual Membership Meeting. Frank Burt made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Aaron Smith seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Vice President, Thomas Bills stated, we had three positions to fill on the Board of Directors, the candidates had no opposition, and no nomination could be made from the floor. He stated he would entertain a motion to elect the candidates by acclamation, if a member would like to do so. Glenn Magee made a motion to elect by acclamation, Linda Hasselstrom, Ray Mershawn, and Tim Rochelle for three-year terms on the Board of Directors. Vickie Melton seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Manager, Malcolm Tucker gave the financial report for the prior year. J. T. Goldsmith made a motion to accept the report as presented. Tim Rochelle seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Malcolm presented the activity report for the past year. He stated field personnel Rodney Votaw and Eric Haffner had received their Class C Ground and CSI licenses. Rodney also, received his Class A- Commercial license for hauling the Corporation’s large equipment. The Corporation received a favorable outside audit from Evelyn Pareya for 2011-2012. Well #7 (Woodrow Well) will be going on line in several weeks, putting the Corporation in excellent shape going into summer. We have installed VFD Drives on the Jawbone, Osceola, and Blanton Wells, vastly reducing the electric bills, enabling a “soft” start that will extend the life of the well pumps, and paying for themselves in a year. Upgrades were done on FM 2719, HCR 4123 and 1450 S. Installed casing over gas lines in Creekwood Estates, Freeman Elevated tower was cleaned and repainted on the inside, continued replacing old meters with radio read meters, replaced the John Deere backhoe with a new Kubota track hoe and replaced the 1995 flatbed trailer with a new heavy-duty flatbed to transport the CAT backhoe.
During public comment J. T. Goldsmith said, he had been given a photo of the first Board of Directors for the Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation. The Directors were George McKown, J.T. Goldsmith, Sr., Bill Dilling, Mrs. T. L. Moore, and Glen Magee the only surviving Director. Mr. Goldsmith presented the photo to the current Board. The Board thanked him and stated they would frame and hang the photo in the office. Frank Burt asked Ray Mershawn to explain the reason for the security cameras. Mr. Mershawn stated a lot of theft had been taking place in surrounding areas and we have fuel, large equipment, expensive back-up generators at the Well sites, office equipment, etc. The Board made the decision to have the security cameras installed for protection against theft; they have the capability to expand to the well sites. We will be working toward this goal. Mrs. Bills said, she wanted to say the letter “Thank You Richard Greenhill” was so nice and did not know how many people read it in The Reporter. There was no name on who penned the letter and thanked the Directors for a good job.
Mr. Bills asked for Directors and Manager Comments: Linda Hasselstrom thanked members for their attendance and their support in her re-election. Sandra Chilcutt thanked members, urged them to attend regular meetings and thanked Malcolm and staff for their good work over the year. Jane Morgan echoed the comments of the two prior Directors. Ray Mershawn thanked everyone. He also, said he talked with someone from Wichita Falls, they were already in Stage 3 water usage, and they would give anything to be in the good shape our System is in. Johnnie Bankston thanked Nelda Burt for acting as our Election Auditor and she does a great job. She thanked our great group of employees for their work over the past year. She continued by saying, we had finally accomplished having employees work for the Corporation for years and making it their career. Johnnie wanted to give Teena a “special thank you” for a great job, because she shops for all the prizes our vendors give money toward and her selection was great as everyone could see. She said everyone needed to give her a round of applause in appreciation. She thanked her fellow Directors for all they have accomplished in the past year and has much respect for them all. Thomas Bills echoed all his fellow Directors comments and added he appreciated the hard work of the employees. He said, he would not want to get up at 3:00 A.M. and go out in search of a problem. Malcolm stated he had been with the Corporation for 10 years and he felt it would be a breeze when he was hired, but he quickly found out the enormous amount of work required. He wanted to thank the Board for their support, always listening and making the right decisions, even if he did not always get his way.
Vice President, Thomas Bills stated we had concluded our business and asked for a motion to adjourn. Vickie Melton made a motion to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. Don Hamilton seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Respectively Submitted,
Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation
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