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April 4, 2009

The Annual Membership Meeting of the Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation was called to order at 6:30 p.m., April 4, 2009 by President Richard Greenhill. The meeting was held at the Woodbury Community Center in Woodbury, Texas. Approximately 70 members were in attendance. All Directors were present with the exception of James Flanery, Jane Morgan, John Milburn and Tim Rochelle.

President Richard Greenhill asked Secretary/Treasurer, Johnnie Bankston for a quorum. The Secretary stated counting the proxies received by mail and the members in attendance, we have a quorum.

The minutes from the April 5, 2008 Annual Meeting were read by Secretary/Treasurer, Johnnie Bankston. Glen Magee made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Frank Burt seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Johnnie Bankston explained the voting procedure to the members in attendance. Vickie Melton stated since the four candidates standing for election were unopposed, she would like to make a motion by acclamation to elect Johnnie Bankston, Jane Morgan and John Milburn for three year terms and James Flanery for a one year term. Doty Sulak seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Malcolm Tucker presented the past year’s Financial Report and discussed the Activity Report from the past year and activities to be accomplished over the next year.

President Richard Greenhill asked for Public Comment. Glen Magee asked how many meters we have in the ground? Malcolm stated we have 1360.

During Directors and Managers comments: All the Directors collectively thanked the members for their attendance and support over the past year and thanked the Staff for their dedication. Sandra Chilcutt and Linda Hasselstrom asked members, if they encounter any problems to let us know. Thomas Bills said he was amazed at the amount of money it took to run the Corporation and felt the Board was very responsible in making decisions. Johnnie Bankston stated she was concerned how the operational cost of the Corporation continues to skyrocket, but the Board we have works together so well and cuts cost as much as possible while keeping our standards as high as possible. Richard Greenhill stated Malcolm Tucker was getting away from his East Texas accent and even throws in Ya’ll occasionally. The Board added Malcolm had made a big impact and was an asset. Malcolm Tucker said much had been accomplished and there is much to do, such as Well #6, which could begin construction soon. He applauded the Board of Directors for showing such responsibility in decision making, setting policies and in money management, no matter how much he begged at times.

Don Hamilton made a motion to adjourn the business meeting at 7:15 p.m.. Glen Magee seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Respectively Submitted,

Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation


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