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April 3, 2010

The Annual Membership Meeting of the Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation was called to order at 6:30 p.m., April 3, 2010 by President Richard Greenhill. The meeting was held at the Woodbury Community Center in Woodbury, Texas. Approximately 65 members were in attendance. All Directors were present with the exception of James Flanery and John Milburn.

President Richard Greenhill asked Secretary/Treasure, Johnnie Bankston for a quorum. The Secretary stated counting the proxies received by mail and the members in attendance, we have a quorum.

The minutes from the April 4, 2009 Annual Meeting were read by Secretary/Treasurer, Johnnie Bankston. A. M. Cargile made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Glen Magee seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Johnnie Bankston explained the voting procedure to the members in attendance. President Richard Greenhill appointed J.T. Goldsmith and Glen Magee to the Tellers Committee to assist Johnnie Bankston.

President Richard Greenhill instructed the members to cast their votes and the votes were collected by the Tellers Committee.

Malcolm Tucker presented the past year’s Financial Report and discussed the Activity Report from the past year. He discussed many activities the Corporation would be working on in the coming year.

The Tellers Committee returned to the meeting and Johnnie Bankston reported the following voting results: Richard Greenhill 124, Linda Hasselstrom 122, James Flanery 117 and Karen Redden 31. As a result, Richard Greenhill, Linda Hasselstrom and James Flanery were re-elected to serve a three year term.

President Richard Greenhill asked for Public Comment. No public comment was made.

During Directors and Managers comments: All the Directors collectively thanked the members for their attendance and support over the past year and thanked the Staff for the dedication. Linda Hasselstrom thanked the members for her re-election and stated we had a challenging past year, but the Board rose to the occasion. Jane Morgan thanked everyone for taking the time to send in their proxies and do their voting and we had been talking about Well #6 since her election in 2000 and it is going to be a reality. Sandra Chilcutt said she agreed with the others and we have a challenging year ahead. Thomas Bills said the Cap and Trade Bill in Congress bares watching, because it could increase your electric bill by 30%, as well as increase water bills substantially. Also, the state has organized Ground Water Conservation Districts and we are in the Prairie Land Ground Water Conservation District. We are watching very closely to see what changes will be made and the effect it will have on the Corporation. Johnnie Bankston stated the water business is changing and not for the better, because we will see many increases beyond our control, which will be higher bills for us all. She stated it was a hard decision to cut the staff last year, but it was the right decision. We also, were unable to give pay increases to the remaining staff, which was the right thing and the employees didn’t complain. Richard Greenhill stated Well #6 would finally become a reality. Malcolm Tucker told the members the Board in place had made difficult decisions and they had set policies for the Corporation very well and felt they deserved a round of applause.

Glen Magee made a motion to adjourn the business meeting at 7:05 p.m. Frank Burt seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Respectively Submitted,
Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation


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