Vice-President, Bill Coleman called the “Rescheduled” Regular Board meeting of the Woodrow- Osceola Water Supply Corporation to order at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 18, 2006. All Directors were present, with the exception of President, Richard Greenhill and Linda Hasselstrom. Employees Dave Tomlinson (General Manger) and Billie Lair were present, along with 7 members.
Item 2: Approve Minutes
Johnnie Bankston read the minutes from the March 14, 2006 Regular Board Meeting. Tim Rochelle made a motion to accept the minutes with an amendment to Item 11 to reflect $53.75 in lieu of $51.00. Jane Morgan seconded. Vote was unanimous. The minutes from the Special Board Meeting, April 4, 2006 were read. Darline Jean made a motion to accept as read. Tim Rochelle seconded. Vote was unanimous. The minutes for the abbreviated Regular Board Meeting, April 11, 2006 were read. Tim Rochelle made a motion to accept as read. Jane Morgan seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 3: Directors Source & Application of Funds
Tim Rochelle made a motion to accept as read. Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 4: Replacement of 36’ Ft Trailer
Dave Tomlinson informed the Board the 24’ trailer had been repaired at a cost of $2794.50 and the 36’ would be sold. John Milburn made a motion to purchase a 20’ Tri-Axle Backhoe Trailer at a cost of $4,395. Tim Rochelle seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 5: Discussion on Final Decision on the Westbury/Hilton Water Meters
Dave Tomlinson stated all the information received from TCEQ comes down to the Corporation making the final decision. Johnnie Bankston asked Dave, if TCEQ would supply the Corporation with a letter stating we would not be written up, if we left the two meters on one line? He said they would not. Mr. Westbury stated the sitting Board in 1981 or 1982 gave the two families permission to place both meters on one line. He continued by saying we had three options: (1) leave both meters on one line, (2) separate meters by laying another line approximately 4000 ft or (3) move Hilton meter up to the road by Westbury meter. Mr. Westbury stated what ever decision was made; he should not be responsible for bearing any of the cost. The Westbury’s were told the Board would discuss the matter in Executive Session.
Item 6: Replacement / Update On Company Vehicles
After a discussion on the age and condition of vehicles, Dave Tomlinson and the Board discussed the option of leasing. The Board asked Dave to investigate leasing and it would be placed on the May Agenda.
Item 7: Cintas Buy-Out
The Board discussed the Buy-Out at a cost of $1,247.39. The renegotiated contract approved February 8, 2005 was not clear and the Board felt Cintas wasn’t following the agreement. Dave will contact Cintas again to discuss other options. The item will be placed on the May Agenda.
Item 8: O’Sage Gas Lease
Tabled and will be placed on the May Agenda.
Item 9: Public Comment
Mr. Joe Stratton discussed with the Board a six (6) home development. He asked the Board for a letter of Agreement to Supply water. Mr. Stratton was told the Corporation did not give such a letter, plus developers have procedures to follow and complete before coming before the Board. Also, Dave Tomlinson said we were waiting for TCEQ to notify the Corporation on well capacities. Mr. Stratton asked to be placed on the May Agenda.
Item 10: Directors and Manager Comments
Jane Morgan welcomed John Milburn. Also, Johnnie Bankston stated we were pleased John was on the Board and asked Dave if we had heard from USDA on Well #6. He said, No! Johnnie asked Dave why we don’t start calling Terry Blevins with USDA every week to try and get some results.
Item 11: Membership Changes
A motion was made by Sandra Chilcutt to accept 1 New Membership, 2 Transfers and 1 Revoke. Tim Rochelle seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 12: Executive Session
The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 8:00 p.m. After reconvening at 8:40 PM the Board stated the decision voted on in the March 14, 2006 Regular Board Meeting, giving the Westbury’s a two (2) year time limit to lay a separate line to their meter on the customer side would be upheld. The Board felt it was a difficult decision, but there could be problems in the future, if meters remained on one line.
Item 13: Adjourn
The Board adjurned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectively Submitted,
Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation
WOWSC is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer
To file a complaint of discrimination write:
USDA, Director of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Ave, S.W., Washington,D.C. 20250-941-, or call (800)795-3272 (voice), or (202) 720-6382 (TDD).