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April 12, 2016



APRIL 12, 2016

 ITEM 1: Call meeting to order

President Bills called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30 P. M., April 12, 2016. All Directors were present with the exception of Tim Rochelle and John Milburn, Also, Manager Malcolm Tucker and 2 members were present.

 Item 6: William Moore-Account 599

Mr. Moore was moved next on the agenda .He stated, he didn’t understand why he owed $2500.00 to move his line and $2500.00 for a water bill and it was funny they were the same amount of money. He said, he wasn’t notified of the water bill. Malcolm stated, his water bill reflected the amount of $2,482.00 as of today and was shown as it grew since November 2015 thru April 2016. Also, Malcolm said, he didn’t understand where the $2500.00 cost to move his water line off of the Newman’s property was mentioned. Malcolm stated, George Monsevalles was willing to sign an easement to move the water line to the corner of HCR1138 and then the corporation would run down to Mr. Moore’s property and he would be responsible to run his personal line to his house. Mr. Moore was told he and George Monsevalles would have to sign easements, before the corporation could do any work. Also, Mr. Moore was told a payment plan would have to be set up to pay for the outstanding bill of $2,482.00, as well as the monthly billed paid every month.

 Item 2: Approve Minutes

President Bills read the minutes for Johnnie Bankston. Linda Hasselstrom made a motion to accept the minutes with one correction. Nelda Burt seconded. Vote was unanimous.

 Item 3: Directors Source and Application of Funds

Malcolm Tucker presented the Source and Application of Funds. After discussion, Charles Jones made a motion to accept the Source and Application of Funds as presented. Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.

 Item 4: Membership Changes

Ray Mershawn made a motion to accept 4-New Memberships, 5-Transfers, Sellbacks-1 and Revokes-1 Bryan Chamberlin/Frances Rodgers, #968. Charles Jones seconded. Vote was unanimous.

 Item 5: David Wood-High Price Water

Not in attendance

Item7: Employee Pay Raises

Malcolm said, he wasn’t sure what was going to happen with the health insurance. The premiums are good until December 2016, but we haven’t heard anything about any increases. The employee raises will be discussed in Executive Session.

Item 8: Annual Meeting

The annual meeting had about 65 members in attendance and we had more door prizes than normal, but everyone received something. The Board of Directors, due to illness only had 4 in attendance, but all went off well.

 Item 9: Supper Duty Bobcat Trailer

Tabled for more bids

Item 10: Public Comment


 Item 11: Directors and Manager Comments


 Item 12: Executive Session

The Board convened to Executive Session at 7:30 P. M. and reconvened at 7:55 P.M. Linda Hasselstrom made a motion to postpone employee pay raises until we can see an improvement in our cash bottom line. Ray Mershawn seconded. Vote was unanimous.

 Item 13: Adjourn

Nelda Burt made a motion to adjourn at 8:05 P.M. Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.

 Respectfully Submitted


Johnnie Bankston
