President, Richard Greenhill called the regular board meeting of the Woodrow Osceola Water Supply Corporation to order at 6:45 p.m., Tuesday, May 9, 2006. All Directors were present, with the exception of Bill Coleman, Linda Hasselstrom and John Milburn. Employees Dave Tomlinson (General Manager), Billie Lair and Malcolm Tucker were present, along with 5 members.
Item 2: Joe Stratton Water Availability for Sub-Division on HCR 1212
Mr. Stratton passed around an unapproved plat for Directors to view his 6 home sub-division. Dave explained to Mr. Stratton the Corporation was not adding any new water meters, due to waiting for TCEQ results of the Systems inspection made in April, 2006. Mr. Stratton was told he would be notified when meters were available.
Item 3: Westbury Meter Placement
Mr. Westbury stated he had received the letter from the Corporation notifying him he was given 2 years to lay a separate line to their meter on the customer side. He said it was unclear, if he would bear the cost and felt it was unfair, if that was the decision, since they followed the instructions given them over 20 years ago on the installation. He also felt the Corporation had a lot of latitude at their discretion. Mr. Westbury was told the Corporation had a similar situation and it was beneficial for the members to correct the problem. Also, Dave Tomlinson stated Martha McGregor,(Corporation attorney) was contacted and she reminded Dave of the problems the Corporation encountered due to the previous situation. President Greenhill stated the decision made at the March 14th, 2006 meeting would be upheld and Mr. Westbury would be responsible for the expense.
Item 4: Approve Minutes
After a brief discussion, Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to accept, with a correction to Item 4 to change 36’ trailer to 24’ trailer and to reflect the 36’ trailer would be sold.
Item 5: Directors Source and Application of Funds
Tim Rochelle made a motion to accept and Jane Morgan seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 6: Leasing or Replacement of Company Vehicles
Dave Tomlinson stated leasing company vehicles was not a good option. He presented the Board with Quotes from the Buy Board Program. After discussion about vehicles needing replacement and various auto quotes, Jane Morgan made a motion to replace the Ford Ranger, the 2000 ¾ Ton Dodge and 1996 1T Dodge with the following:
- 2007 1/2T Ford (2 wheel drive Gas) for: $12,761.00
- 2007 3/4T Ford (Gasoline 4×4) for: $18,445.00
- 2007 F350 Diesel (2 wheel Drive) for: $21,338.00
Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 7: Cintas Buy-Out
Cintas had not returned the General Managers calls. Item will be placed on June agenda.
Item 8: O’Sage Gas Lease
President Richard Greenhill discussed with the Board the information received and the many addendums on the O’Sage Gas Lease. Also, he spoke with Quicksilver Seismic and asked how close they would come to our wells and was told 300 ft. Johnnie Bankston made a motion not to accept O’Sage Gas Lease or Quicksilver Seismic. Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 9: Fruitland Acres Update
Dave stated as we could see from the activity report the field has had a lot to do, therefore the project is moving slowly. He also stated there was a 3 inch line running beside a 1 ½ inch line and if they could switch that portion of the 11/2 inch over to the 3 inch it would boost pressure and buy some time.
Item 10: Internet Information Update
Malcolm Tucker said there were enough signatures on the Internet Petition. Now the petitions could be taken to Internet America showing them, money could be made in our area and an antenna should be erected. Malcolm also gave a brief update on the CEO program. He states the Security Code-Changes every 60 seconds and it would be kept in the safe. Also, this program will allow credit card and debit card payments, etc. if the Corporation approves at a later date. The CEO program should be up and running this week, along with receiving the check machine to be used in the office. The RVS program purchased for the Bank Drafts will be re-written so Well Fargo will accept and should also be done this week.
Item 11: Public Comment
Item 12: Directors and Manager Comments
Dave informed the Board the 20’ Tri-Axle Trailer was not the weight he thought and he was just going to use the 24’ and 36’ trailers at this time. Johnnie Bankston asked Dave if they had a clean up program in place for line breaks, because we knew they can’t always be cleaned up as they were found. He said yes, they are all placed on a work board to be done at a later date.
Item 13: Membership Changes
A motion was made by Tim Rochelle to accept 1 New Membership, 6 Transfers and no Revokes. (Sanders revoke shown on list was paid) Darline Jean seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 14: Executive Session
Item 15: Adjourn
The Board adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectively Submitted,
Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation
WOWSC is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer
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