Contact Time: Mon-Fri: 8 a.m to 4:30 p.m
Phone Number: 254-221-0816
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February 14, 2006

President Richard Greenhill called the regular monthly board meeting of the Woodrow Osceola Water Supply Corporation to order at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 14, 2006. All Directors were present, with the exception of Bill Coleman, Linda Hasselstrom and Jane Morgan. Employees Dave Tomlinson (General Manger) and Billie Lair, along with 5 members were also present.


Item 2: Approve Minutes

Johnnie Bankston read the minutes from the January 10, 2006 regular board meeting. Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to accept the minutes as read and Tim Rochelle seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 3: Directors Source & Application of Funds

The Source & Application of Funds was discussed. Johnnie Bankston commented the $100,000 CD was not shown on the source and the account balances should show $784,743.02. She also asked about the electric bills only posted for two (2) of the five (5) wells. George Thompson asked about Office supplies being higher. After a short discussion, Tim Rochelle made a motion to accept the Source & Application of Funds reflecting the change of the account balances to $784,743.02. George Thompson seconded and Vote was unanimous.


Item 4: Update on Fruitland Acres Project

Dave Tomlinson stated members had been contacted in the area and the water pressure had been 65 and 80 lbs. He said 200 ft of the pipe had been purchased for the project and they would get that laid.


Item 5: Wells Fargo Bank Drafting – Charge Additional $0.25 per Draft

The Board was told if we charged $0.25 per draft this would pay for the RVS Draft Software program. Richard Greenhill said he and Johnnie Bankston would talk with the appropriate people at Wells Fargo and inform the Board of their findings before making a decision.


Item 6: Stop Late Notices and Add Message to First Billing

The Board discussed the advantage to discontinue mailing Late Notices. The big advantage would be a savings of about $200.00, plus the time saved by Office personnel. A message of ‘no additional billing’ would be stated on the monthly bills. Rental properties would continue to receive a delinquent notice going to the Owner of the meter. Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to discontinue mailing late notices. Darline Jean seconded and Vote was unanimous.


Item 7: Sign-up for Government Surplus

Dave Tomlinson informed the Board the Corporation was signed-up. A short discussion followed about items available through surplus.


Item 8: Conference in March for TWRA Annual Meeting – Grapevine, TX

Johnnie Bankston made a motion for Dave Tomlinson to attend the TRWA Annual meeting March 29-31st at a cost of $355. George Thompson seconded and vote was unanimous.


Item 9: Public Comment

Frank Burt stated on the draft issue to go straight to the President of Wells Fargo, discontinuing mailing Late Notices was good, and asked about members purchasing water parts and why backhoes were being driven instead of being hauled to work sites. Mr. Burt was told the ‘Water Parts issue’ would be placed on March Agenda. Nelda Burt suggested a short resume from Candidates. The Board stated not enough time was available and mailing weight permit would not be sufficient and the envelopes have already been printed.


Item 10: Directors and Manager Comments

George Thompson stated he was very disappointed in the volunteer candidates running for election. He stated they had shown little interest in not attending any board meetings. Johnnie Bankston agreed with George. Dave Tomlinson addressed Frank Burt’s question by saying the trailer used to haul the backhoes was too large to travel down so many of our country roads. Also, it was difficult to load and unload equipment, due to the height of trailer. He stated he was going to approach the Board to sell or trade-in the trailer we now have and purchase one that would work better for the needs of the Corporation. The item will be placed on the March agenda. Dave said we had prepared and submitted all required paper work for New Well #6, but the engineer needs to submit a form. After several weekly calls the form has not been received. Johnnie Bankston asked Richard Greenhill if he would call the engineer and he said, yes he would.


Item 11: Membership Changes

Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to accept New Memberships and Transfers. Tim Rochelle seconded and vote was unanimous.


Item 12: Executive Session



Item 13: Adjourn

The Board adjurned at 7:50 p.m.

Respectively Submitted,
Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation


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