President Richard Greenhill called the Regular Board Meeting of the Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation to order at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, December 11, 2007. All Directors were present, with the exception of Thomas Bills, Darline Jean, Jane Morgan and Tim Rochelle. Employees Malcolm Tucker and Teena Blasingame, along with 2 members were also present.
Item 2: Approve Minutes
Johnnie Bankston read the minutes from the November 13, 2007 Regular Board Meeting. John Milburn made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 3: Directors Source and Application of Funds
Malcolm Tucker presented the Source. Linda Hasselstrom made a motion to accept the Source as presented. Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 4: Floyd’s Information on Line Extension on HCR 1207 or HCR 1206
Mr. Floyd was not present.
Item 5: Replace Fax Machine
Johnnie Bankston made a motion to replace the current fax machine with a multi-function machine replacing the copy machine, printers and old fax machine, at a cost of no more than $800.00. John Milburn seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 6: Gas Lines Buying/Transferring Membership (No Commercial use of Residential Meters)
Tabled until January meeting.
Item 7: Planning Committee
Richard Greenhill appointed Thomas Bills, Jane Morgan and Johnnie Bankston to the Planning Committee. The committee will work closely with Malcolm on upcoming and current projects.
Item 8: Public Comment
Carol Chamberlin addressed the Board about her high water bill, as well as her parents. She felt the meters were not read and this was the reason for the high bills. The Board discussed with Carol a pay-out program and if the meter was not being read the problem would be dealt with for the future readings.
Item 9: Directors and Manager Comments
Sandra Chilcutt asked about a possible water leak across from the Osceola Well. Malcolm stated the water had been tested and it wasn’t a leak. Malcolm discussed with the Board several high water bills for other members. Also, he stated the Ronald Westbury issue was settled before a hearing with TCEQ. Apparently, TCEQ explained the Corporation was correct on the double-hook up issue and complying with the rules was in his best interest. Johnnie Bankston reminded the Nominating and Credential Committees their reports needed to be made at the January meeting.
Item 10: Membership Changes
John Milburn made a motion to accept 2 New Memberships, No Transfers, No Sellbacks and No Revokes. Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 11: Executive Session
Item 12: Adjourn
John Milburn made a motion to adjourn at 8:25 pm. Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Respectively Submitted,
Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation
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