Contact Time: Mon-Fri: 8 a.m to 4:30 p.m
Phone Number: 254-221-0816
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March 9, 2010

President Richard Greenhill called the Regular Board Meeting of the Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation to order at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 9, 2010. All Directors were present with the exception of James Flanery and John Milburn. Malcolm Tucker was also present, along with one member.


Item 5: Lee Wallace-Double Hook-Up

Mr. Wallace was moved next on the agenda. Mr. Wallace addressed the Board about the letter he received on his double hook-up. He passed out a diagram showing a proposed plan to construct a 200’ covered walkway to connect the two dwellings and felt this would then constitute one dwelling. President Richard Greenhill told Mr. Wallace there would still be two separate dwellings on one water meter, which constitutes a double hook-up. Mr. Wallace stated he would be taking the issue up with TCEQ, if they backed up our decision, he would be purchasing a second water meter in the next 30 days. Thomas Bills made a motion Mr. Wallace was in violation of the double hook-up rule and would need to purchase a second meter, within the next 30 days. Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 2: Approve Minutes

Johnnie Bankston read the minutes from the February 9, 2010 Regular Board Meeting. Linda Hasselstrom made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Thomas Bills seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 3: Source and Application of Funds

Malcolm Tucker presented the Source and Application of Funds. Thomas Bills made a motion to accept the report as presented. Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 4: Woodrow Well

Malcolm stated Woodrow Well was pumping again and solutions for repair are still being researched.


Item 6: Bore FM934 on Ed Allen’s Property

Tabled until meeting can be set-up with Tim Meeks (State).


Item 7: Public Comment



Item 8: Membership Changes

Thomas Bills made a motion to accept no new memberships, 2 transfers, 1 sellback and 2 revokes: Marcus & Toni Dominic-#1352 and Linda or Allen Nelms-#42. Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 9: Directors and Manager Comments

Thomas Bills asked if the annual letter had been mailed? Johnnie Bankston said they were to be mailed Friday, March 11, 2010. Sandra Chilcutt told the Board, Malcolm was given the name of B&L Construction (Kelly Johnson), as an additional company to bid out jobs. Jane Morgan said she felt the letter notifying a member of a Customer Service Inspection for new homes should have the fee amount included. Johnnie Bankston reminded the Board of the annual meeting April 3, 2010. Malcolm Tucker informed the Board the Osceola Well went down over the weekend and drained the tank, due to an underground anti back-flow valve malfunction. Johnnie Bankston asked, if the scada set-off the alarm? Malcolm said, it had not been programmed, but it has now been added to the system. Also, he stated Billy McGown felt the TCEQ fee should be passed on to members using water.


Item 10: Executive Session


Item 11: Adjourn

Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Jane Morgan seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Respectively Submitted,
Johnnie Bankston
Woodrow-Osceola Water Supply Corporation


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