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April 1, 2017 Annual Meeting

APRIL 1, 2017

President Thomas Bills called the Annual Membership Meeting to order at 6:30 P.M., April 1, 2017 at the Woodbury Community Center in Woodbury, Texas. All Directors were present with the exception of Charles Jones and John Milburn.

President Thomas Bills established a quorum with approximately 50 members in attendance. Secretary/Treasurer Johnnie Bankston was asked to read the minutes from the April 2, 2016 Annual Membership Meeting. Vickie Melton made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Erin Smith seconded. Vote was unanimous.

President Bills read the Resolution for unopposed candidates stating, three positions held by Thomas Bills, Charles Jones and Gary Reynolds ( replacing Tim Rochelle) expire April 1, 2017. The positions held ran unopposed and by resolution were appointed for three year terms (2017-2020) and will be recorded in the April 1, 2017 minutes.

Malcolm Tucker presented the Financial and Activity Reports. He presented the yearly Financial Report stating, we finished the year with a net income of $93,235.26. He stated, we would probably see an increase in fees from the Prairie Ground Water District in the next year. When the District was formed the fees were set on the high side at 22cents per 1,000 gallons and that was 4 to 5 years ago. Also, TCEQ and the EPA teamed up resulting in a division of some work and the productivity will probably result in a fee increase. The Activity Report for the system remains keeping the regular maintenance up, the project on FM309 is still in progress replacing existing old pipe with C900, which is said to last 100 years and the project should wrap up in the next year, we continue replacing valves, installation of cameras at all well sites has been completed and the Osceola well site had been on a 2 phase electrical operation for decades resulting in many problems, but Texas New Mexico finally stepped up and the site is now a 3 phase operation. Also, the generators at Freeman Well and Well 6 were used in a bad storm when area wide power outages occurred and as planned at a reduced capacity, we had the ability to supply water to members, until the power was restored and radio read meters in the ground are almost complete. J.T. Goldsmith said, he was afraid his house would flood, if the FM309 pipe broke above their home and Malcolm said, they would be working on replacing the pipe going back to the north in the near future. A member asked the difference in income and expenditures? Malcolm stated, $93,235.26.

President Bills asked for public comment and there was none.

During Directors comments, Sandra Chilcutt said, she hated to be repetitive but, she would still like to thank the members for coming, showing interest in the system and invited members to come to the regular board meetings, Gary Reynolds said, he was the newest board member and he had been in construction on the other end and had a lot to learn, Ray Mershawn stated, we had an excellent staff and we were 2 years ahead of Hillsboro water system having radio read meters in the ground and we were almost finished, accomplishing it with no increase to members, Nelda Burt thanked members for coming and wanted to remind everyone of the monthly water board meetings, Linda Hasselstrom echoed the other directors and complimented the great staff stating, we must be doing something right because no one was screaming. Johnnie Bankston stated, we had an excellent staff and Teena worked hard to purchase all the prizes from the vendors donating cash and does a wonderful job, Malcolm does a great job keeping the Corporation in the main stream and we had a good board that worked hard to make decisions keeping the system working well, Thomas Bills stated, he appreciated the Prairie Ground Water mobile trailer for setting up for the members to get some knowledge of how it works and hoped the members took the opportunity to walk through it and asked membership to attend regular meetings. Malcolm asked, members to keep their eyes open for leaks and to notify the office. He thanked the members for their support stating, if they had any questions to feel free to call the office.

President Bills asked for a motion to adjourn. Erin Smith made a motion to adjourn at 7:15P.M. Glen Mcgee seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Malcolm lead the membership in prayer after the meeting was adjourned and everyone was ready to eat and win some prizes.

Respectfully Submitted,

Johnnie Bankston