November 8, 2016
Item 1: Call Meeting To Order
President Bills called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30 P.M., all members were present except Johnnie Bankston, Linda Hasselstrom, John Milburn, and Tim Rochelle. In addition Manager Malcolm Tucker, Teena Worbington and two members were present.
Item 2: Approve Minutes
Teena Worbington read the minutes from the October 11, 2016 Regular Board Meeting. Nelda Burt made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 3: Directors Source and Application of Funds
Teena Worbington presented the Source and Application of Funds, after discussion Charles Jones made a motion to accept the Source and Applications of Funds as presented. Sandra Chilcutt seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 4: Membership Changes
Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to accept 1 New Membership, 5 Transfers, 1 Sell Back and No Revokes. Nelda Burt seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 5: Employee Benefits
Moved to Executive Session.
Item 6: Public Comment
Mr. Scooter Campbell discussed with the Board a problem with how his meter had been installed back in the spring. Mr. Campbell stated he had no water and reported it. Patrick Saylor was on call and came out to find the leak, it was found on Mr. Campbell’s side of the meter. The nut was found to be loose Patrick stated we were responsible because the pipe was too short causing it to pull apart from the meter. Mr. Campbell would like help with the bill. He has had to tighten the nut again. Malcolm told Mr. Campbell we would replace the flange on our side of the meter. Mr. Bills requested Mr. Campbell be put on the December agenda.
Item 7: Directors and Managers Comments
There were no comments from the Board. Malcolm Tucker stated that Rise Broadband was finally negotiating the contract on both towers. He will present it to the Board for discussion when he received their final submission. TCEQ did not receive our 2nd quarter reports and we are in violation. We are sending letters to all members informing them as required by TCEQ. We are including in the mailing member update forms so we may update our files with current contact information. On a final note we have not had a ruling on the violation from our last inspection by TCEQ. The 90 day response time is up in the middle of November.
Item 8: Executive Session
Mr. Bills called for the Executive Session at 7:10 p.m. to discuss employee raises. The Executive Session ended at 7:20 p.m. A motion was made by Ray Mershawn for a .50 cent raise to all employees. Nelda Burt seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Item 9: Adjourn
Charles Jones made a motion to adjourn at 7:30 p.m., Nelda Burt seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Respectfully Submitted,
By Teena Worbington for Johnnie Bankston
Johnnie Bankston