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November 13, 2018



NOVEMBER 13, 2018



Item 1: Call Meeting To Order

President Bills called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30 P.M., November 13, 2018. All Directors were present. Also, General Manager, Rodney Votaw and Teena Worbington were present.


Item 2: Approve Minutes

Johnnie Bankston read the minutes from the October 9, 2018 Regular Board Meeting. John Milburn made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 3: Directors Source and Application of Funds

Teena Worbington presented the Source and Application of Funds. Charles Jones made a motion to accept the Source and Application of Funds. John Milburn seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 4: Membership Changes

Sandra Chilcutt made a motion to accept New Membership-2, Transfers-3, Sellbacks-None and Revokes-3, Don Stephens #842, Gerald Newton #1178 and David Adams/CHM Homes #1384. Garry Reynolds seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 5: B.J. Gorman Account 1012 Leak

The Gorman’s were upset the Corporation did not notify them of a water leak on their property. They were told their audit history didn’t show anything abnormal and a notification from the Corporation is not mandatory, but a courtesy. The Gorman’s were not present and no action was taken.


Item 6: Blue Cross & Blue Shield New Rates

Rodney stated, the 2019 employee insurance rates had increased by $8.53 per employee, per month. John Milburn made a motion the Corporation absorb the $8.53 per employee, per month increase. Linda Hasselstrom seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Item 7: Public Comment



Item 8: Directors and Manager Comments

President Bills informed the Board Nelda Burt had resigned her seat from the Board of Directors. Johnnie Bankston stated, she hated to lose her and that was echoed by other Board Members. Tom asked, if it would be the consensus of the Board to have Teena send Nelda a letter thanking her for her service? The Board was in agreement. Ray Mershawn asked about the high water loss. Rodney stated, Well #6 had to be dumped out for a cleaning and there had been numerous large leaks. Ray stated, we needed to get the loss down around 10%. Rodney stated, they were working on the loss. Sandra Chilcutt asked, about the Prairie Ground Water meeting. Rodney stated, no firm rules were set, but the highest historic water usage for the last 15 years is still being talked about and you will be able to get water permitting for overage, but no pricing was discussed. He asked about water loss and was told it would not hurt the Corporation as long as it is pumped. Also, a hearing will be held November 26, 2018, beginning at 9:00 a.m., at the Cleburne Conference Center. Sandra also, asked about the robbery. Rodney stated, a suspect has been identified and the matter is in the hands of the Sheriff’s Dept. Also Rodney stated, the tank at the old Woodrow Well site has been painted and Blake (field employee) did the welding needed and did a good job. He stated, we had a good group of employees.


Item 9: Executive Session



Item 10: Adjourn

John Milburn made a motion to adjourn at 7:25 p.m. Garry Reynolds seconded. Vote was unanimous.    





Respectfully Submitted,





Johnnie Bankston
